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Frankreich hat nur minimale Chancen (Spieltage)

Atticus_F, Berlin, Donnerstag, 18.04.2024, 20:16 (vor 13 Tagen) @ SebWagn

Mal zur Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Aufholjagd von Frankreich:

France – 0.6% to claim an extra UCL spot

France are still alive! Though they are given only 0.6% to claim an extra Champions League spot, it's amazing that they are still in the race while Spain are eliminated.

Still, to stay in the race for an extra Champions League spot, France will need both Lille and Marseille to reach the semifinals tonight. At the same time, they would increase their chances as they would add +1.000 points and move from the current 15.250 points up to 16.250.

Of course, to claim an extra Champions League spot, France would have to follow with some amazing results in all three competitions. If all three clubs win all the remaining matches, France would reach 19.750 which should be enough to claim it. Still, highly unlikely, and we could see France get out of this race tonight.

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