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Against moderm football (Fußball allgemein)

Hamster17, Murcia, Samstag, 13.08.2016, 19:05 (vor 2863 Tagen)

Hello: my name is Eduardo and I´m from Murcia, in Spain. I am a Real Murcia fan. I would like to explain what is happening in Murcia about football.

2 years ago, Real Murcia was in the 2nd division and played playoff to get Primera division agains Cordoba, the team that finally succeed. That summer, Javier Tebas, who is the president of la Liga sent Real Murcia out of the proffesional football beacuse of economic problems of the team and because of the horrible management of our president Jesus Samper, who had have a lot of problems in the past with Tebas, but there were many other teams with similar economic problems, although only Real Murcia descended.
We are still in 2ª division b (is the 3er division in Spain). Jesús Samper, the president of Rea Murcia, dead last december, and his son and doughter dont want to continue with the team and they are not going to support it economically.

During the last 2 years has emerged in Murcia a new team UCAM CF, whose presidente is the propietary of a Private University that earns millions each year and that, after trying to buy Real Murcia some years ago (he denied beacuse of the big debt), decided to buy other team, change the name and colors, and buy a place to play in segunda B, and last may afeter spending a lot of money that team that has very few supporters ascended. The team has good "politics" line with the council, which has given facilities such as reopening the old stadium La Condomina (some years ago we left that stadium beacuse ad been declared dilapidated and Real Murcia built a bigger new stadium out of the city): there is a big risk that after the promotion of this new team institutions leave the centennial club and let it die. Curiusly, the president of UCAM and Tebas (the president of Professional League that sent Real Murcia out of proffesional football) share some bussness and are very good friends...

Nowedays Real Murcia has 8000 subscribers, and UCAM, that next year plays in Segunda division, less than 3000. But we have the big problem of the property.
We are in a capital increase, and subscribers are buying action, but as Real Murcia has a very big debt (from the horrible Jesús Samper management), no bussinessman in Murcia want to buy the team. There is a new iniciative to try to atomize the propierty: in order to buy actions, the minority shareholders has created a crowdfounding to try to get money: you can colaborate from 3 euros.

Some time ago I heard that some years ago Borussia Dortmund had economic problems (in times of the old propietary) and decided to buy “actions” of the team to try to atomize its property. And some days ago I heard on the radio that fans of this team are not going to Leipzig to watch the match against Leipzig RB beacuse they don´t agree with this way of football management.

Murcia is not Dortmund. But this is not about Real Murcia or Borussia, is about wich is the football model we want in the future: we dont want UCAM CF or RB Leipzig any more. We want classic footbal teams forever and we must support them. Please, if you agree, HELP US.

If you want to help Real Murcia, you can colaborate from 3 euros in this bank account: IBAN ES54 0487 0090 70 20070020032

all the money would be used to buy actions by the association of minority shareholders

I add the page in wich appear the information of the bank croudfounding account:

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