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RKI: Dritter Tag in Folge über 1000 Neuinfektionen (Corona)

AgentScully, Ort, Sonntag, 09.08.2020, 23:42 (vor 1363 Tagen) @ simie
bearbeitet von AgentScully, Sonntag, 09.08.2020, 23:47

Deine selektive Wahrnehmung ist beeindruckend.

However, a scan of Swedish newspapers makes clear that school outbreaks have occurred. In the town of Skellefteå, a teacher died and 18 of 76 staff tested positive at a school with about 500 students in preschool through ninth grade. The school closed for 2 weeks because so many staff were sick, but students were not tested for the virus. In Uppsala, staff protested when school officials, citing patient privacy rules, declined to notify families or staff that a teacher had tested positive. No contact tracing was done at the school. At least two staff members at other schools have died, but those schools remained open and no one attempted to trace the spread of the disease there. When asked about these cases, Ludvigsson said he was unaware of them. He did not respond to a query about whether he would amend the review article to include them.

An indirect clue about schools’ role in spread might come from antibody studies. On 19 May, the Swedish Public Health Agency announced preliminary results from antibody surveys of 1100 people from nine regions. They reported that antibody prevalence in children and teenagers was 4.7%, compared with 6.7% in adults age 20 to 64 and 2.7% in 65- to 70-year-olds. The relatively high rate in children suggests there may have been significant spread in schools.

Aber so ein paar tote Lehrer kann man schon in Kauf nehmen; die Risikogruppen sollen sich halt nicht so haben. Scheint ja auch die Haltung dieser Kultusministerin in SH zu sein. "Allgemeines Lebensrisiko".

Es gibt auch ansonsten haufenweise Studien, die auf die Bedeutung von Kindern als Überträger hinweisen, ob du das nun wahrhaben willst oder nicht. Hier eine ältere Zusammenfassung:

Kopf-in-den-Sand-Politik hilft niemandem weiter.

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